May Roundup

May 25, 2012 8:44 am

Welcome to the Monthly Roundup, a new feature on our blog. Every day we come across resources, events, links, blogs, etc. that we think you might also find interesting. Some might be relevant at the local or state level, some might just be interesting bits of information or other websites. So, all month long we’re going to save up our favorites and share them with you in one post. We think it’s a good idea for a few reasons.

It saves time and space to post all of them once rather than in bits and pieces.
It’s a good way to promote local producers, events, and organizations.
It’s fun to share things we’re excited about!
We hope to inspire others to get out and learn, do, enjoy, and connect.

This month we think we’ve put together a pretty fun Roundup. As always, we’d love to hear from you! If you have ideas for the Roundup in months to come, just post a comment on the blog.

1. The Iowa State Extension website has a LOT of great resources. We found out about two this week. Their Words on Wellness newsletter and the Spend Smart Eat Smart tool. Their website has information about all kinds of things including gardening and horticulture.

2. Green Iowa Americorps is putting together a Cedar Falls tour of Practical Backyards. Their website has additional information about events and contact information for the Cedar Falls contingent that works at the CEEE at UNI. The calendar feature is fantastic, and includes the gardening series at the Cedar Falls Community Garden on Wednesdays.

3. Community gardens are active in Cedar Falls and Waterloo. There are plots available and gardening classes are being offered as well.

4. Do you ever listen to National Public Radio? Well, they have a pretty great website, but one of my favorite sections is their blog “The Salt.” It covers all kinds of food-related stories, with the science angle as well.

5. The Northern Iowa Food and Farm Partnership is working on the latest Buy Fresh Buy Local guide. Plus, their website has great information about local foods and producers in the area.

6. GNB Bank is organizing another Taste Iowa to be held in Conrad on August 25. There will be a local food expo, live entertainment, a free omelet breakfast, kids’ nutrition and fitness activities, and a barbecue contest, among others. They have a facebook page, and the GNB Bank website has more information.

7. Trivia: Guess which political figure helped to invent soft serve ice cream? Hint – she’s not American.

8. The Pioneer Woman. Ree Drummond started out blogging about life on a ranch in Oklahoma with her husband and children. Now she has several cookbooks, a Food Network show, and a website that includes all kinds of topics from entertainment and photography to (incredibly delicious) food and notes on life.