Legen-‘dairy’ legacy comes full circle with Superman calf
By Meta Hemenway-Forbes, Hansen’s Dairy Marketing Manager Hadwen KIeiss made his way across the gravel to the 12-day-old dairy calf. Just days before, the 93-year-old farmer from Fredericksburg had received a call about a noteworthy bull calf born at...
Cow to cup: Farm tours offer a backstage pass at Hansen’s Dairy
Meta Hemenway-Forbes, Hansen’s Dairy Marketing Manager Twenty years ago, Hansen’s Dairy Farm gave impromptu farm tours to a few hundred visitors each summer. A quick phone call could generate a same-day tour, provided a Hansen family member who wasn’t...
By Meta Hemenway-Forbes, Hansen’s Dairy Marketing Manager John Rapp pulled into the parking lot of the Hansen’s Dairy Cedar Falls store a little before 9 a.m. Thursday, July 13, just as he does every Tuesday and Thursday. “JR,” as...
Dairy farmers leverage social media to reach ‘lost generation’ of milk drinkers
By Meta Hemenway-Forbes, Hansen’s Dairy Marketing Manager Early this month, the team at Hansen’s Dairy knew they needed to make a big splash in announcing the addition of 2% milk to their lineup. It was the first time they’d...
By Meta Hemenway-Forbes, Hansen’s Dairy Marketing Manager Four mornings a week, Jered Lotts works as a jack-of-all-trades in the Hansen’s Dairy Creamery. He loads milk and ice cream into crates as they come off our production line. He labels...
Farm-to-table events offer behind-the-scenes view of working dairy farm
By Meta Hemenway-Forbes, Hansen’s Dairy Marketing Manager On a recent Saturday, a little boy stood captivated by Macey, a nearly one-ton Holstein poking her head from the barn to greet visitors. As Macey munched on silage, the boy’s family...
By Meta Hemenway-Forbes, Hansen’s Dairy Marketing Manager We can plan until the cows come home, but eventually they’ll breach the fence. We learned this again last week when a large section of our electric fence failed and we were...
Sensory experience: How a Hansen’s Dairy tour can ignite all five senses
By Jordan Hansen, Hansen Dairy’s co-owner How often do you get to see exactly how your food is produced? At Hansen’s Dairy, we aim to make that process as transparent as possible by offering educational farm tours. When you...
Before and after: Celebrating our Cedar Falls store renovation
By Meta Hemenway-Forbes, Hansen Dairy Marketing Manager This year marks the 15th anniversary of our Hansen’s Dairy Cedar Falls store. It also marks the completion of an extensive renovation, and we’re excited to celebrate both with our customers at...
Raising the Steaks: Hansen’s Wagyu-Holstein beef gets Prime grade
By Meta Hemenway-Forbes, Hansen’s Dairy Marketing Manager At Hansen’s Dairy we’re renowned for our delicious milk, cheese curds, ice cream, butter and heavy cream. But alongside our Holstein dairy herd is a Wagyu-Holstein beef herd making its own...